Mr. Roberto Quevedo, Bionerics Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Inventor of the Bionerics Research Core Technology and Procedure, and founder and member of Board of Directors. Mr. Quevedo has a highly multidisciplinary profile. Among others, he was General Manager Assistant in a start-up company (People Communications), with an investment of 18 MM euros, of services based on Artificial Intelligence.
He was also in charge of improving technical human-machine parameters and optimizing the way of promoting the product interface. Mr Quevedo owns a US Patent included in the technical field of portable communication systems and meteorological model. In research arena in 2016 was invited to participate in San Francisco AGU world congress (American Geophysical Union) to show an equation of fractal behavior he discovered, this discovery was considered as relevant by American Institute of Physics (AIP) their web publication. In 2002 he discovered a new methodology for which he was invited to Cambridge University (UK), discovering a possible unknown extinguished species still in study. In October 2012 he was invited to participated in an international geology symposium Makavol 2012 due to mentioned discovery he has done of new mathematical fractal function which successfully allowed to predict the seismic-volcanic activity in a recent volcano eruption process. In 1999 he was invited by NASA and Yamaguchi University to give a conference presenting another of his discoveries related to a geological procedure for deep ocean meteorites detection. In 1992 he developed a GPS system for allocation services, thanks to which he was invited to a technological center in Madrid for its commercialization.
Dr. Gerd Meyer, Business Adviser of Bionerics Research. Dr. Meyer has over 28 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. Gerd Meyer most recently served as Head of Global Partnering for General Medicine and Mature Products at Novartis Pharma’s headquarters in Basel. Mr. Meyer held various senior positions at Novartis in Product and Project Management, Market Research, Planning, Trademarks, and Strategic Planning. Dr. Meyer held the position of Pharma Marketing Head in Brazil and Head of OTC, Generics and Pharmaceutical Business Development and while there he coordinated the merger of Sandoz and Ciba-Geigy. Dr. Gerd began his career in Research and Development at Novartis (formerly Sandoz). Among others he is Senior Consultant of prestigious Plexus Ventures. He served as adviser to the Swiss Parliament and the Research Council of Switzerland and as chairman and board director of development companies such at the Aerogroup Corporation, USA. Dr. Meyer graduated summa cum laude from the University of St. Gallen with a Doctor’s Degree in Business Administration where he also served as lecturer. His book on innovations received a scientific award.
Dr José David Machado Ponce, Bionerics Pharmacology Adviser. PhD in the area of Health Sciences for the University of La Laguna (ULL). Award for young researchers from the different Spanish institutions and Government. Worked for two years at the Vollum Institute (OHSU-USA) as postdoc in a NHI contract framework. Vollum Institute is one of the top Institues for neuroscience research. His stay at the Vollum Institute arose his interest in the dynamic study of the secretory vesicles in the vicinity of the plasma membrane, and especially of exocytosis and endocytosis process. He also has developed his R&D activity in Ramón y Cajal program. Currently Dr. Machado is a professor in the Pharmacology Unit of the Medicine Section of the ULL teaching Pharmacology in the degree of Medicine. He also teaches in a Master course in Biomedicine into various areas. Dr Machado collaborates actively in three independent international medical research lines. Member of the scientific organizing team in a prestigious congress gathering scientists and relevant Life Science researchers awarded with the Nobel Prize.
Richard Peet, Ph.D., Intellectual Property Director, former international chair of Foley & Lardner LLP formerly named Chemical & Pharmaceutical Practices. He is also partner and a member of the Chemical, Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Practice and the Life Sciences and Nanotechnology Industry Teams of Foley & Lardner LLP. Dr. Peet has supervised intellectual property due diligence projects related to acquisitions ranging in value from $70 million to more than $900 million. In 2003, he earned an honorable mention for his legal work in IP Law & Business magazine’s listing him as part of the top ten patent lawyers. Dr. Peet also was selected by his peers for inclusion in the 2008, 2010 and 2011 editions of The Best Lawyers in America® for his work in technology law and biotechnology law.
Pedro A. Hernández, Bionerics Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences from the Autonomous University of Madrid, Bachelor in Chemistry at the University of La Laguna, specializing in analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry, has more than 22 years of professional experience in geochemistry. Postdoctoral researcher of the European Union (Scientific and Technological Felowship Program; STF) between 1997 and 1998 and of the Japanese Government (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science; JSPS) between 1999 and 2000 in the Laboratory of Earthquake Chemistry at The University of Tokyo (Japan). Since 2001, is a scientific member of the Environment Division of the Technological and Renewable Energy Institute (ITER), and Director of the Volcanic Surveillance Division of the Volcanological Institute of the Canary Islands (INVOLCAN) between 2010 and 2017. Specialist in fluid geochemistry of natural systems. He has authored more than 65 scientific publications in international journals of the “Citation Index”, one of them in the prestigious journal SCIENCE and more than a hundred fifty scientific papers presented at national and international congresses. He has directed 5 doctoral theses, 5 Bachelor theses and 8 Diplomas of Advanced Studies and is member of several national and international scientific associations.
Israel Simón Gómez, Bionerics IT manager, holds the degree of Technical Engineer in the area of Telecommunications obtained at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria as well as the title of Business Informatics Technical Specialist obtaining knowledge in the development of applications. He has dedicated his professional career to the management of computer incidents in addition to developing solutions, both software and hardware, essential for all of the companies he has worked for. He works closely with the administration and management department advising and presenting companies with alternatives that adapt to their needs. Currently, he works in the area of project management for a local organization where innovative projects are implemented to improve the day-to-day tasks of users. Mr. Simón has worked in different companies and in several sectors but always in positions with competences related to new technologies. He has worked in more than one area of the computer system such as telecommunications, security infrastructure and computing. In addition, he has also worked in the field of audio-visuals and renewable energy, where he has acquired numerous skills that have allowed him to also develop telecommunications projects as a freelancer. Mr. Simón is aware that all businesses need to keep up with modern technology if they want to thrive and therefore believes that engineers are essential in all businesses in all of the departments. In addition to obtaining a Leonardo Da Vinci first-employment fellowship in 2005 at Scotmas Limited in Scotland, he has recently been certified NSE 4 Network Security Professional by Fortigate and ITL Foundation as well as numerous courses in order to gain knowledge in new technologies.